Question by Brad B: Is the documentary “esoteric agenda” about occult and illuminati a load of horse dung or scary truth?
I began to watch esoteric agenda and I’ve been looking up the information given and conclusions drawn from the info and I have found relatively nothing. The movie suggests that the cause of the American Revolution was Rothschild a banking organization…?? I’ve found no such evidence! The Movie also suggests that all the influential figures in America are descendants of the Illuminati and says that Bush is a direct descendant of Godfrey De Bullion (the first ruler of the kingdom of Jerusalem) I’m highly skeptical of the accuracy of the evidence and the conclusions drawn from the evidence… I think the movie is highly interesting and I would really like to know if the stuff is true… If you say yes please provide where (resources) you can verify some of the facts and implications that this documentary provides.
Best answer:
Answer by Randy H
The Illuminati was commissioned by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to be the operatives they needed so to corrupt politicians, start and finance wars and more.
The NWO was being initiated in 1775-1785 by Adam Weishaupt. Here’s a quote:
“..those individuals who are members of the Illuminati possess the ‘Light of Lucifer’. As far as they are concerned, only members of the human race who possess the ‘Light of Lucifer’ are truly enlightened and capable of governing. Denouncing God, Weishaupt and his followers considered themselves to be the cream of the intelligentsia – the only people with the mental capacity, the knowledge, the insight and understanding necessary to govern the world and bring it peace. Their avowed purpose and goal was the establishment of a ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ – a New World Order, or One World Government.” Men from 2000 years ago (if not longer) have contemplated the “elect” and “non-elect” who had the intelligence to rule others. In 1776, this was nothing new but Wieshaupt put some new twists on it.
Look, Rothschild started w/the French Revolution and worked his way up!
I’ll give you some links at the end but never expect a thief to say he’s a thief — in other words: sometimes one must apply facts of history with deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at the place where you yourself conclude this stuff to be true. And some of this stuff is “over the edge,” like the alien stuff, fema camps, reptilian theories…and more.
Start with the entire Myron Fagan series. He began their “outing:”
The International Bankers have made their money financing wars. They say Rothschild financed Hitler and Stalin. But why were American companies supplying Hitler also? The Kilgore Committee and the research of Russell Nixon was kept secret for almost 50 years! Read the testimony! Here’s one to start with:
Check out the Bush family history:
Other keywords: Illuminati, New Word Order, Krewe of Comus, Rothschild, Adam Weishaupt, John Todd, Myron Fagan, Skull and Bones, CFR, Center for Foreign Research, Bilderburg, Bohemian Grove … and use these terms in combination with each other on web searches.
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