From the “Meet the Filmmakers” series held in Feburary 2010 at the Apple Store in Sanlitun, Beijing. The series, co-presented by the Apple Store and dGenerate Films, is an ongoing series to showcase Chinas newest filmmakers powered by digital technology. Cui Zien is a director, film scholar, screenwriter, and novelist based in Beijing. He is an associate professor at the Beijing Film Academy. Cui Zien is a premiere avant-garde digital filmmaker in China. He has published nine novels in China and Hong Kong, and he is also the author of books on criticism and theory, as well as a columnist for magazines. Interview conducted by Jane Zheng. Videography by Michael Cheng. English transcription by Yuqian Yan. JZ: I know you are always very special; you always stick to your own ideas and concepts. CZE: I always need to think it through before I accept new things. Maybe this is because of my ten-year research experience. Every time I come across new things, I analyze the content first, and then think about how to use and develop it in my own way. I never passively accept whatever is given to me. JZ: Can you tell us your plan for 2010? CZE: In 2007 and 2008, my trajectory turned into documentary making and I plan to carry it on to the new year. I have several projects at hand right now. I have two small Sony cameras, and I am using one of them to make what I call a visual diary. Every time I go to lower-class areas, not a middle-class place like this, I carry it with me to document …
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To make a movie, find or write a unique script, hire a reliable crew, cast actors, shoot the film and edit the story together. Keep the shooting schedule for a movie as tight as possible to keep the consistency within a movie with tips from a filmmaker in this free video on making movies. Expert: Nathan Boehme Contact: Bio: Nathan Boehme is a writer, director and editor who currently lives and works in Los Angeles, Calif. Filmmaker: Nathan Boehme