Question by Bogiato: how much do distributors pay for short films?
If a film gains interest in a major film festival and a company/television channel wants the rights, what is the going rate?
Best answer:
Answer by deidonis
I used to chat up with a guy who owned a guitar repair and sales shop. He was showing me a guitar he was planning to sell to a buyer out of town.
I asked him, “How much do you plan to sell it for?”
He looked at me like I asked the dumbest question in the world. “Are you kidding?”, he replied, “As much as I can get!”
Same advice for you.
By the way, you don’t even mention the channel: rates from PBS for example are going to differ vastly from NBC. And then there’s the matter of in what season will it air, what will it air against, what sponsors/advertisers will be buying the commercial timeslots; you don’t mention the length/subject of your film, what is it’s target audience, whether or not kids can watch it, etc… so your question is too vague.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!