Stillframe from Episode 6
Image by mike ambs
64 days was the exact length of Pedal’s production, the number of days we were out on the road. It feels really exciting to be releasing episodes again, I’ve been editing and filming the last few nights till 5 in the morning, and although it’s been hell on my cold, I’ve had a blast doing it.
I’m anxious to get started on part 2 – when Amanda and I originally began writing the production related episodes, we were expecting to fit everything into 3 cuts. But that doesn’t look to be the case any longer – we’re finding we have a lot more to say, and many different layers of the whole experience to cover.
We’d love to hear your feedback – it will help greatly in deciding what questions to answer in what order. Thanks for watching.
Note: If you’d like to watch this episode in 1280×720 HD, click here 🙂
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