Here’s an excerpt from a documentary that aired a few years ago, chronicling the training program of the University of Minnesota’s 2004-2005 wrestling team, coached by J Robinson. (Note to the network: this is just an excerpt as my goal is to promote the network as a fan, and to encourage the network to make more documentaries about wrestling and wrestlers. If you prefer, I will take it down. I’d actually request that you sell it or make it available on your own site if you’re willing.) If you want to see more programs like this, or to encourage them to make the whole thing available, write to the sports networks and let them know!
Rare (probably the only one) American WW2 documentary (made in 1943, during the war) without ordinary incredible lies, typical for USA “documentaries” and Holywood films about Russia’s role in defeating fascism, during last 65 years and today. ——————————————————————— The film begins with an overview of previous failed attempts to conquer Russia: by the Teutonic Knights in 1242 (footage from Sergei Eisenstein’s film Alexander Nevsky is used here), by Charles XII of Sweden in 1704 (footage from Vladimir Petrov’s film Peter the First), by Napoleon I in 1812, and by Germany in World War I. The vast natural resources of the Soviet Union are then described, showing why the land is such a hot prize for conquerors. To give a positive impression of the Soviet Union to the American audience, the country’s ethnic diversity is covered in detail. Later on, elements of Russian culture familiar to Americans, including the musical compositions of Tchaikovsky and Leo Tolstoy’s book War and Peace are also mentioned. Communism is never mentioned at any point in the film. The start of the film also includes a quote from US Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who commended the Russian people’s defense of their nation as one of the most courageous feats in military history. The film then covers the Nazi conquests in the Balkans, described as a preliminary to close off possible Allied counter-invasion routes, before the war against Russia was launched on June …
Video Rating: 4 / 5