Question by random: What do I do with my finished movie?
Hi, I am currently filming my own short film. Or independent I guess you could call it. But I am starting to wonder what I can do with it once it’s done? I’m not too sure about putting it on youtube. I want to find some way that I could showcase my movie somewhere. It would also be very nice if I could make some profit off of it. I made this movie just for fun and the actors and some other people that were involved were paid out of mine and my partner’s pockets. So it does have a very small budget and is about an hour long. But I want to make some profit off of it. Am I able to send it to a film festival? Is there requirements that I will need? Can I send it to a production company and they could find a way to get advertise and get my film out there. You see because I have made my script in proper format,used the proper cameras,lighting, and it is actually a pretty good movie if you ask me. Very funny. But I am only 15 turning 16 in June. Will I be taken seriously by prod. companies? If you can please can you answer as many questions of mine that you can. Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by Stephen K
See about showcasing it at a film festival or looking to indie film companies to get it distributed
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