Question by CJ: What is the cheapest professional-quality camera?
I’m suggesting to my school that instead of having a yearbook, we create a video documentary. I don’t want to do it if it does not look professional, but I’m certain my school will give me budget constraints. Can anyone give me a general idea of how much it may cost (lighting, camera, post-production). I prefer using video than film so I don’t have to mess with audio that much.
Best answer:
Answer by Mandy
I would contact a local video production company and/or local college that has a video media department and have them show you what you may need. Once you actually see the choices in equipment, you can formulate your costs buy checking prices on the net. You may also consider renting equipment too. It sounds like you need to let your school know some kind of dollar amount.
Anyone here could tell you that you need, say 4 Sony PDW-F355 XDCAM cameras that cost over $ 25,000 each! Or people might tell you to use 10 pocket camcorders, which may be a great possibility.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!