Inspired by the story of the French King Charles VI. King of Owls – Short Film – Directed by Kyle Nickolite 2009 Nickolite Productions Tags: French king Charles VI Playing cards hearts diamonds spades Insanity Haunts the King of Owls Kyle Dean Nickolite Short Independent Film Films Scary Horror Psychological Death Ghost Ghosts Kill New Movie Movies South Dakota Sioux Falls Yankton Vermillion Area Filmmakers maker makers independents festival sioux city owl kings france 1392 story stories old ancient nickolite productions production class student students USD university south dakota
Some of you know I went to the University of Central Florida from 1985 – 1989 and received a BA in Radio/Television and Film Production. In my Film Production Class, we shot many film shorts ranging from silent films, animation films, music video films, and the final film was a film short done with actual sound recorded from the set. We used a 16mm Film Movie Camara and a Nagra and edited it all old school (Splicing film etc, no computers). If we wanted to take it to the next level we could work with the film developer on adding fades, disolves and other effects. As you will see, I didn’t go to that step. This final Film project I’m about to show you isn’t as good as I remembered it. And I see many things I would redo if I shot it again. I still think the concept is good for a film short. But the acting is weak (sorry Beth & Trish), the dialogue is weak, and the sound work could have been better. But I was a one man production team. The girl in the lead went on to act as a character in the first episode of the syndicated show Swamp Thing and as an extra in Parenthood, then disappeared. The other girl, Trish was another student in my class, and I believe she currently works in the Film Business. The best part of this film is the opening sequence, but it’s all down hill from then on. I still think I got an A on the project.