Question by lolitaloves: Can someone help me with college problem?
I have never been an academic learner or anything of the sort. I knew this even before coming to Penn State, University Park. The only thing I like about college is of course the friendships I’m making. I am completely lost here…My number one goal in life and the two things I love to do the most are acting and filmmaking. I love acting more than filmmaking and I obviously need a college degree for film. I was looking into some schools in New York City for acting. But, I don’t know what to do. My parents expects us all to get a college degree. I know there’s always a black sheep in every family, but still…I can’t stand it here. The classes especially. I feel completely out of place in them. It was the same in high school. I get decent grades, but it’s only because I force myself to do the work. I know I’m only 19, but this is an issue that has been going through my head for quite some times now. I am a firm believer in not sticking to the status quo and following your dreams since only us can live our lives. But, I really need some advice.
If you could give me any advice (good or bad), what would it be? I have no one to discuss this with.
Best answer:
Answer by Cindy
I advise you take a year off when this semester is over and go out into the working world, and try to make contacts in the film industry and get a taste of what that is like. Maybe take some film and acting workshops. Be a responsible person and don’t get pregnant or do things that will make it difficult for you to return to school. You just don’t sound ready / mature enough for college (mature in a certain way, not that you aren’t mature in other important ways). Talk to your college adviser about a plan of action. You may find out you don’t want to go to a university after all, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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