Question by codecrypter: What are my chances of getting into Boston University and NYU?
I’m about to apply to college, and I was wondering if I could get everyone’s opinion on whether or not you think I would be able to get into either New York University or Boston University, as well as any tips you might have before I apply to these school and similar schools. I plan on double majoring in both Business (marketing) as well as Film/Video production. Here are some of my larger accomplishments that I plan on putting on my application:
GPA- 4.1 (after adding A.P weight)
SAT Math- 690
SAT Reading- 600
SAT Writing- 600
ACT- I currently don’t plan on sending them in (didn’t do as well as SAT)
April 2009- Present: Park Aid in a local State Park.
June 2009: Over 35 hours of volunteer work at the Connecticut Film Festival.
November-December 2008- Freelance Film/Editing work for a 50th Wedding Anniversary and a Food Network archive/contest video for a restaurant in Queens, NY.
1. Boy Scouts (over 7 years)
2. D.E.C.A (a marketing club/2 years)
3. F.B.L.A (Future Business Leaders of America; 3 years)
4. President of Broadcasting and Film-making Club (3 years)
5. Key Club (community service club; 4 years)
6. National Honors Society (2 years)
7. Spanish National Honors Society (2 years)
8. Business National Honors Society (2 years)
9. Spanish Club (1 year)
10. T.S.A (Technology Student Association; 3 Years)
11. Project CLEAR (Local Lake Cleanup; 2 years)
Awards/ Accomplishments/Other:
1. Eagle Scout
2. 1st place in Connecticut in T.S.A Film Competition 2007
3. Worked with my school’s administrationn to put together my own personal film-making class
Thanks in advance! Feel free to be completely 100% honest, and add any suggestions you have! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Future Nurse
very high with the grades you have and extra curliular stuff you have you will get in. i am in NYU AND YUO ARE SMARTER THAN ME SO YOU WILL GET IN MAKE A GOOD ESSAY MAYBE IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT A LETTER OF RECOMONDATION BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO SEE YA HOPE YOU GET IN
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