Question by blitz10k24: A good college for me to go to in NY?
Ok so here’s the story…
My girlfriend is hoping to get in to Julliard in NY when we graduate. She wants to major in theater. I on the other hand, want to major in Film production, something to do with the film industry. So… where are some good colleges I could apply to? And is Julliard close to NY City or if not, how far is it?
I want somewhere that has a good film production course.
I want to be close to the city, if possible, in the city.
But I also wanna be close to Julliard, because I know she’ll get in there, cause she’s an extremely good student. I’ve considered NYU, but I don’t know. Someone help?
Best answer:
Answer by kismeonce
NYU and there are so many choices for you. Also FIVE TOWNS COLLEGE
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!