Our book and DVD A Knock at the Door is now enjoying its second printing and first major market release in June 2008. The first edition was created by Duirwaigh Publishing, but this second edition will mark its debut in a larger arena for retailers like Barnes and Noble and Borders. Published by Amber Lotus (www.AmberLotus.com) A Knock at the Door second edition features four new artists and sixteen new works of art and a spankin’ new cover by Matt Stewart. Credits: Concept and text by Angi Sullins, design, layout and film editing by Silas Toball, music by Martine Lund-Hoel, artwork contributed by many artists. For more information visit the Duirwaigh Gallery web site. Our first inspirational mini-film has caused a small, unexpected international sensation. Thank you to all 1000000+ viewers who’ve seen it and the thousands of letters we’ve received in response! We’re overjoyed so many of you are touched, encouraged, inspired. Now we have released a hard cover collector’s book and DVD edition of the film which is now available. The book contains larger images of the art used in the film with glorious, lush detail. Find out more on www.DuirwaighGallery.com Enjoy the inspiration!