Short film Written, Produced and Directed by David Simonetti, starring Lia Sprechini, Danielle DeMaio and David Simonetti for FORGOTTEN FILMS. Winner of the COSTELLO AWARD 1st Place in the Best Independent Category at the 2009 Passaic County Film Festival. Also accepted into competition at the Washougal Film Festival in Washington. Screened at the 1st Alfred Baumann Library Film Festival in West Paterson, NJ, OFFICIAL SELECTION to the Downbeach Film Festival in Atlantic City: 5 DBFF Award nominations, also on IMDB Story: Two sisters sit in after school detention awaiting their father to come out of the Principal’s office. During that wait, the sisters contemplate the hell they’re going to catch from their Dad, as well as reflect on their personal issues with their Dad and their own lives
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Transcendental Media is an independent motion picture production company that produces films and documentaries to “agitate the sleep of mankind”.