-turn up volume-the Carthusians,One of the most aesthetic Religious Monks in the Roman catholic Church.Whose life is one of prayerful intercession for the whole of mankind, hiden in the wounds of Christ. excerpt from 'Into Great Silence'2006 French Alps, the Grande Chartreuse of Carthusian Monks of the Catholic Church. is considered one of the world's most ascetic monasteries. In 1984, German filmmaker Philip Gr?g wrote to the Carthusian order for permission to make a documentary about them. sixteen years later they said yes.Really, a holy soul who has any sense of this Good, of its incomparable splendor and beauty, finds himself aflame with heavenly love and exclaims: 'I am thirsting for the strong and living God; when shall I go and see the face of God?'” (Letter to Ralph ? 15). The uncompromising nature of that thirst drove Bruno, a patient listener to the Spirit, to invent with his first companions a style of eremitical life where everything favors one's response to the call from Christ – who indeed ever chooses men “to lead them into solitude and join themselves to Him in intimate love” (Carthusian Statutes). By this choice of life in the desert, Bruno invites the entire Church community “never to lose sight of the highest vocation which is to remain forever with the Lord” (Vita consecrata ? 7). Bruno, when able to forget his own plans to answer the call from the Pope, shows his strong sense of the Church. He is conscious that to follow the …
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Church is not something you just GO TO, but something you become. Millions of people are confused about what church is. Many still believe in God but dont want to go, or cant be a part of, what they once knew as church yet they love God, often more than ever. Many still believe they have to go somewhere called church to please God, and once a week on a Sunday is their religious duty to worship God and give money, and that is enough in a modern busy week. The Bible shows us clearly that buildings located on street corners, church organizations whether historical or contemporary, religions or cults – are not the church. Church is an organic global body of people with a myriad of local expressions around the world, living stones (not bricks and mortar), being built up by God through the Holy Spirit, into a spiritual House for Gods glory, through a relationship with Jesus Christ the ONLY Savior of the world, by the in- dwelling Holy Spirit through faith. Stephen Bennett teaches and reaches out to the millions who Dont GO TO CHURCH anymore Maybe that is you. Its time to know God for who He really is. If you want to comment, or seek direction – email or message awesomecitytv. Scripture references referred to in this series: 2 Samuel 7:4-6 2 Samuel 7:11-13 1Peter 2:4-5 Romans 8:1,14 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19 Ephesians 2:20-22 Ekklesia a calling out of-an assembly of people Matthew 16:18 1 Corinthians 14:23 Acts 14:23 Philippians 1:1 1 Timothy 3:1-13 Revelation 18:4 See this …
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