Question by omg.: About choosing the best boarding school that fits me?
hello, I’m a 7th grader, and I have been preparing for the SSAT to get into a boarding school in 9th grade. For some reason, Phillips Exeter and Andover don’t even buy my interest..I don’t think they will fit me. The three schools I’m very interested in are.. Deerfield, Hotchkiss, and St. Paul.. If anyone went to one of these schools, and has a very interesting fact to share..please do… P.S. I’m very strong in History, I think it will be a good idea to upgrade my knowledge in history by going to a boarding school that is very challenging in history… ALSO, are there any schools with classes for film production (making movies and etc)
Best answer:
Answer by LoveLeighe
i went to a boarding school choosing not to go to exter because of the way they are academics take precendence over a student’s well-being . I instead chose to go to a school like Deerfield, academics weren’t as tough as they were made to seem. we had art classes like film, and photography, and painting as well has several types of history courses. I don’t think these schools direct you into a certain major or career they are more overall education to get into higher rated colleges. It was the best experience of my life. Residental life was incredible minus all of the restrictions like curfews and such. I had the upperhad bcus when i left for college, I wasn’t homesick like all the other freshmen, i could do my own laundry, and knew how to manage my time well enough to maintain a 4.0 and still have lots of time to have fun. you won’t regret it.
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