in You Can Count on Me was the only actress with even an outside shot at beating Burstyn. Shows ya what I know, doesn’t it?
But the Academy Awards aren’t just a collection of disappointments for me. I reveled in the glory of Halle Berry winning the Best Actress Oscar in 2002 for her very brave and bold role in Monster’s Ball. I thought it inspired when the Oscar for Best Actress went to Marion Cotillard for her moving role in La Vie en Rose as she became the first person from France to win an Academy Award for a French language performance.
I also thought it was fantastic when Jeff Bridges finally won an Oscar. He did it just this year for his role as hard-luck country singer, Bad Blake, in the box office hit Crazy Heart. Nominated four previous times for various acting roles, most notably in 1972 for The Last Picture Show, and again in 1985 for Starman, it was