thought. If you aren’t positive, there is a slim chance that you will succeed. You need to believe that you can act successfully. You’re going to have a tough time convincing others than you can, if you can’t even convince yourself.
Positive thought is the basis of Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, an acclaimed book on creating a successful life. And, although it takes a somewhat fantastical twist on the logic of Wattles popular book, The Secret is a good example of how one should THINK.
Founded in 1986, The Theatre Group has earned its reputation and award-winning recognition for unconditional dedication to the art of acting. Originally founded and operated out of a railroad flat on Theatre Street, The Theatre Group has grown into a mid-size theatre organization providing inspiration and resources to the entire arts community of NYC. With the The Theatre Group Arts Center and The Theatre Group School, we serve as an artistic home for some of New York’s finest actors, directors, playwrights, filmmakers, designers, and visual artists.
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