If Bollywood superstars are like royalty, actor Abhishek Bachchan is a crown prince. The son of Amitabh Bachchan, who ruled over Bollywood filmdom since the 1970s, and actress Jaya Bachchan, the younger Bachchan came into his own with the massively popular Dhoom in 2004. Since then, Bachchan has seen his movie career take off, with recent hits such as Dostana, which grossed Rs. 90 crores (US million). While Bachchan and his superstar wife Aishwarya Rai are often in the media spotlight, what is less known is his involvement in AB Corp, his father’s film production company. During the Wharton India Economic Forum in Philadelphia, Bachchan discussed his views about the business of filmmaking in an interview with India Knowledge@Wharton.