Question by Rauj T: Am I a coward?
In my High Definition Production class we were asked what roles we would be interested in the beginning of class. I said Director. As class progressed and we did our rotation labs(rotating our positions during a mach TV broadcast) I found the job of director intimidating, so when it came time to go for jobs I said camera man. I never back down from responsibility, on top of that I’m director for Documentary, but I felt that I wouldn’t have been the best man for the job, and the job is fast pace, and I like to take things slow. What do you think?
O. Fellow I go to Fullsail. I want to be a writer/Director! TV broadcast really isn’t my cup of tea, but I know what your saying, I should embrace new challenges, as opposed to running from them. I paid $ 60,000 for school, and It is so worth it, I would recommend going here!
I loved every single one of your answers, you were all so understanding, and helpful! Thanks guys!!!
O fellow enter Antt-Action Fullsail on youtube, I worked on that for my digital cinematography. I didn’t write or direct or do much on it though. Keep in mind it’s a digital camera, and it’s highly compressed(as is anything on youtube) I just finished directing a documentary on a local producer/rapper. It’s called Being 4 Real/Being for Real. it should be up in a few days. If you have any questions just click on one of my questiions or Walmartpimp’s questions and I’ll answer. On another note I chose Fullsail because you get a 4 year degree in 21 months, it’s hands on, easier to get in. And I can always move to LA after I get out. Which in fact I plan on doing so in 9 1/2 months. About the internship thing Fullsail helps with job placement at the end of school. But you can always do work/study.
O fellow enter Antt-Action Fullsail on youtube, I worked on that for my digital cinematography. I didn’t write or direct or do much on it though. Keep in mind it’s a digital camera, and it’s highly compressed(as is anything on youtube) I just finished directing a documentary on a local producer/rapper. It’s called Being 4 Real/Being for Real. it should be up in a few days. If you have any questions just click on one of my questiions or Walmartpimp’s questions and I’ll answer. On another note I chose Fullsail because you get a 4 year degree in 21 months, it’s hands on, easier to get in. And I can always move to LA after I get out. Which in fact I plan on doing so in 9 1/2 months. About the internship thing Fullsail helps with job placement at the end of school. But you can always do work/study.
Best answer:
Answer by sweet sweet jane
well, I highly suggest that you don’t always subject yourself to minor roles in life….but in this case, if you truly felt like it didn’t suit your personality, I think that is fine!
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