Amateur filmmaking can be a rewarding hobby or career, whether its for a film festival or just a college film class. But what if you have no clue whatsoever on how to even make a simple film? Well, these tips should help clear up the fuzziness that is lurking in your head. Just remember not to obsess over it. Take your time and apply the tips.
Have a plan of action. Choose what you want to film about. What is your niche, that is, what subject is your level of expertise? After you find your niche, do some research on that subject. Go to a library, go online, or check out which area is the best place for your subject. Take your information and write up a little story on it. Make it to your taste.Time to find some equipment. Start with only what you need, not what you want. A quick list of what you need to start filming would be a camcorder, microphone, computer, filmmaking software, lamps, tripods, and either tape or compact discs for the camcorder. Depending on your filming, you may need more of less.
Get the professional shots. Try go for some basic angles in your filming. Do some experimentation with your camcorder. Once you get it to your liking, continue on with other filming angle and techniques.
Now you need to put the pieces together. This is where the computer part comes into play. Depending on the kind of camcorder you have, you may need to purchase a separate software to download your clips on your computer. Once you download all your video clips, you will need a computer editing software to put them together. Again, it is up to your on how you want your film to be produce. The sky is the limit, and so is your hard drive.
Lastly, you will need an audience to show your fantastic work. And what can be better than the online community? Find a video sharing website to show your amateur film. You will want to start your amateur filmmaking off by first getting the audience familiar to you and your work. Once you get a trust in audience, you can further off your work to film businesses.
Now that you have a basic understanding in the world of amateur filmmaking, put it to action. Sitting here and just dreaming about it will not move you forward. Have fun!
Want to read more about amateur filmmaking, then check out this site!
If you want to learn the tricks of learning proper filmmaking on a budget, then click this link [] to learn more.
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Question by frogpondsea: using fastforward in moviemaking?
sorry for the wrong category, but my spiritual answerers seem more adept than the movie ones(sorry if your a movie one)
in filmmaking, fastforward is an interesting effect if used properly, especially in scifi.
do actors have to move in a specific/different way to make fastforward look realistic.
if so, how do you move?manual, tips, advice, website?
thanks in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by PC User
I would suppose they move slower/faster
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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