Question by UglyJoseph: Any ideas for my first film score?
Hello the internet!
I’m scoring a 10 minute digital short film.
I have at my disposal a cello and violin player, a vocalist, an acoustic guitar player and a drummer / percussionist.
The film is about a young man in high school. He is very intelligent, but frustrated by life, he decides to show the world how he feels by taking an axe into school.
I would appreciate some ideas for how this film should sound, avoiding the obvious clichés.
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by V
i would love to score my films with sweet melodies. even if it’s kind of a horror movie, which is better cos it would make it more appealing and weird.
so just a suggestion, make him listen to new slang by the shins while ax-murdering everyone is school. better if it be with headphones and closed eyes. terrifying.
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