Question by Lou de Minuit: Anyone got any good *SHORT* stories that could be made into a movie?
Am a independent filmmaker looking for a good story that i’d like to turn into a short film.
no horrors (have done 4 already!)
no romantics (can’t do kiss/sex/nude scenes, sorry, mother loves being on set)
looking for a story with a moral, meaning. something inspirational that can give a lesson to the audience. something sad, light hearted. you know.
keep it realistic cheers. leave your email address or message it to me.
you WILL be credited! but not paid sorry, i work on low budget myself. will be screened and sent to festivals.
Best answer:
Answer by sambo0956
Yes!! I have one! My email adress is! It’s probably right around the guidelines of what you’re looking for!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!