Question by Sandy19: Appropriate brief nudity for a college screening room?
So I’m in a film class, and our final projects (a film – a love story – from 30-40 minutes long that we direct) are due in 2 weeks. I have everything shot, I’m just doing editing and stuff. I also play the main character in the movie, and it involves some brief nudity, and I was wondering if it would be inappropriate for class. I personally woundn’t be embarassed, but i just want to make sure its tasteful enough to go in the film. its only a few seconds, and this is all there would be. Let me know what you think. (note: please do not view if you are under 18 or easily offended by nudity)
I have checked, and as long as it is only my butt or my breasts, its ok. But thats another thing. Thank you for reminding me. Could I reasonably argue that you absolutely CANNOT see my vagina at the end of the first shot? that might be important.
Best answer:
Answer by Deb
You need to check with the teacher of this class. The school may have policy about or the teacher may. You wouldn’t want to get a lower grade because it is in there.
If it is ok with the teacher, then you as director must decide if the nudity is necessary for the film.
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