Question by cofwandmtribe17: Attention anyone who has been around filmmaking!?
I am 16 and interested in filmmaking. A few of my friends and I want to make a short film but we dont know how to write a script or do any real tech work other than editing. We have a simple handheld JVC Everio camcorder. Any tips to make this work out and still be quality?
Best answer:
Answer by Rio
Hi there,
I think it’s great that you are starting out at your young age. If you just want to jump right into your movie, I suggest you just write out the story in short form. Picture in your head the whole chain of events, beginning, middle and end. Then start in. Example: ( Henry watches the Robbers from the corner of the building then turns to John.) Write the dialogue line next. Example: (Henry – Now what do we do?) etc…Be sure to cover all shots you want to see in the movie, take my example. Shoot Henry and John looking in the correct direction of the Robbers, then Shoot the Robbers from Henry and John’s point of view (POV) then a shot of Henry and John again saying their lines. Keep in mind the angles and directions that everyone is looking. Be sure to let the camera run a few seconds before the action starts and after it stops so when you edit, it’s not all jumpy, you need room to work with, you can cut of excess footage in the editing process. When you edit, you can choose which order you put the shots in. Every time the location changes, it’s a new scene. It will take way longer then you think to make this film, so be patient if you want a good product. Later you may want to read a book that I found easy to understand about screenwriting called, Writing your Screenplay by Cynthia Whitcomb. And the book, Filmmaking for Dummies. Another good source to actually see written scripts online is Drew’s script-o-rama and Good luck and have fun. Rio.
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