by nyer82
Question by Andrew: Becoming a Film Editor?
I want to become a Film Editor when I’m older. Since I decided this I have taken a GCSE Film Studies course, have made 3 short films, have had years of experience with various editing tools like Final Cut and Adobe Premiere, have become a complete film fanatic and have researched many things to do with the film industry. My FS teacher says I’m the best in the class. I’m going to take an A level FS course at Brockenhurst College in 2011. I also did my Year 10 work experience in Pew36 Animation Studios in Botley, and the owner said my editing was degree standard and better than some of his Uni students.
However, some people keep telling me it’s just too hard to make it. Despite my talent and love for film, I keep getting worried that I’ll never reach this goal. What do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by lil
keep going no matter what but you have a backup plan just in case gl
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