Beyond Black Mesa is a short Independent fan film Inspired by the Half-Life Video Game series. This is an action packed short film centering around Adrian Shephard and a band of resistance fighters struggling to get out a warning about the impending invasion. – Independent short film – 2 years in the making – Endless hours of post – 1 Canon HV20 – 7 Friends – 00 budget for the full short film. This film is not HL,HL2 or Opposing Forces. It’s a short fan film that takes place in the Half-Life world. Also, as a completely independent film, we wanted to have a creative voice in the movie and make it a movie that we would enjoy shooting. We took artistic freedoms and liberties, unfortunately most of those decisions were determined by our limited resources. Check out: Join our facebook page to stay updated: Directed by Brian Curtin Producer: Matt Hall, Mat Powell Actors/Grips: Joy Gravel, Walt Thomas, Andrew Gothard Special Tracks: Nate Quarterman Narrator: Taylor Robinson Audio Mastering: Eric Chapman
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