“Who’s the biggest pain in the arse you’ve ever worked with?” He replied: “It’s got to be Harrison … he’ll forgive me because now I get on with him. Now he’s become charming. But he knows a lot, that’s the problem. When we worked together it was my first film up and I was the new kid on the block. But we made a good movie.” Ford said of Scott in 2000: “I admire his work. We had a bad patch there, and I over it.” More recently in 2006, Ford reflected on the production of the film saying: “What I remember more than anything else when I see Blade Runner is not the 50 nights of shooting in the rain, but the voiceover … I was still obliged to work for these clowns that came in writing one bad voiceover after another.” Ridley Scott confirmed in the summer 2007 issue of Total Film that Harrison Ford contributed to the Blade Runner Special Edition DVD, having already done his
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