VIEW ON VIMEO FOR REAL HD: www.vimeo.com A cover made by Rod on YouTube: www.youtube.com In case you didn’t see the original music video this video was played to, go check it out on blip! www.blip.tv Original text: We did this music video for an English Project. The Project was to relate Dante’s Inferno with a new trendy pop culture song. We had the option to do a music video so we did it. We chose to go off of Canto Five and off of the story of Francesca. In The Inferno, Francesca cheats on two brothers and is then killed by one of them en a brutal dagger to the heart. We tried to make it less graphic in the last scene. In the layer of lust, which is layer two of Hell, people are punished by having to chase a banner and if they reach it, they will be put into Heaven. This is the scene when Amanda is chasing Alyssa for the scarf and flirting (Keep in mind Alyssa is a GUY in this). In a relationship, you always are searching or always trying to catch something or someone which is why this is a suitable punishment. If you watch closely, you will notice that the acoustic parts with Alyssa are slightly redder in color. This is done to symbolize the rage in Alyssa’s heart and Amanda cheating on her. In the last scene, it is colored a deep blue to show the coldness of hell and the death in the scene. This is our first ever music video so PLEASE enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Z-Finder EVF Video Series ~ Part 1 “Introduction” In Part 1 of the video series detailing “The Evolution of the Z-Finder EVF, ” Steve Weiss & Jens Bogehegn give an “Introduction” on the new EVF electronic viewfinder: a versatile 2-piece system. ABOUT ZACUTO’S EVF VIEWFINDER Zacuto is changing the game again! We are transforming the form factor of DSLR cameras for video use with our Z-Finder EVF. The Z-Finder EVF is a 3.2″ high resolution monitor that will be used in conjunction with all the Z-Finder models. The Z-Finder EVF allows you to operate the DSLR camera with the correct form factor for video with the camera “in-line” to your rod system (the most stable way) and your eye in the Z-Finder EVF. This is the way all film cameras and ENG video cameras were operated and we, at Zacuto, believe this should be the way DSLR cameras should be operated. It will enhance the stability, give you better resolution, allow you to get your eye where it most comfortably needs to be, enable low mode shooting, have your EVF in the back of a dolly or crane, detached from the rig for car shots and more. SPECIFICATIONS: * Actual 16×9 screen * 800×480 resolution * .087 dot pitch * Focus Assist * False Color Exposure Assist * HDMI loop through * Operates off Canon LP-E6 Camera battery (1/2 day power) * Includes a hot shoe mount or optional articulating arm kit. * Can mount to other manufacturer’s rig (RedRock, Cinevate, Letus, etc.) via 1/4 20 screw, 15mm rod or articulating arm * All Z …
Video Rating: 5 / 5