A pair of Independent Filmmakers, on a whim set out to learn more about the little known, Worst recorded Race Riot in American History the 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma Race Riot. They were struck by the amazing complexity of such a simple place. They set out to tell the story of a city and a riot. But were told the story of a place that is a pure reflection of America. This documentary is more than a view of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot. It is an analysis of … [Read more...]
Q&A: How to copy video from DV to computer?
by Chris Devers Question by 50 CENT: How to copy video from DV to computer? I made this video for my film class but I'm having trouble transferring over from the mini DV tape into a computer using Final Cut Pro. I tried Log and Capture but after that, I don't know how to save the video in the computer without having to use the DV tape ever again for editing. So does anyone know how to transfer all the content from the DV mini tape onto the … [Read more...]
Advanced Tips for Canon EOS 40D : Canon EOS 40D: Auto Exposure Lock
Use when camera focusing area different from light metering area. Learn how to make the most of your photos with theCanon EOS 40D Digital SLR camera in this free Canon photography lesson. Expert: Ryan Vaughn Bio: Ryan Vaughn is a photo enthusiast who has used his expertise for professional wedding portraits and business promotion. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]
Digital Camera experts please help with this question?
Question by LadyLeatherneck: Digital Camera experts please help with this question? Until recently I have been a die hard 35mm old school fan. Unfortunately, my good old Canon Rebel 35mm was stolen along with all my accessories to include my zoom lens. I have decided to take the leap and get a digital camera with the hopes and expectations that it will give me the same gratification as my old film camera with instant results. I was looking … [Read more...]
Glengarry Glen Ross, Good Amateur Production./ Moss Weaves His Web, Act I Scene II
PLAY OF THE YEAR in Charlottesville, Va. Act I Scene II Glengarry Glen Ross, Kevin Lawrence O'Donnell-Dave, Harold Langsom-George, 25th Anniversary Production of David Mamet's 1984 Pulitzer Prize Winning Drama. Live Arts Producers, Boomie Pedersen Director. Recorded 10/16/09 on the Road at The Hamner Theater, surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mts. … [Read more...]
how much does editing of film and sound cost during production?
by Steve Rhodes Question by wildchild: how much does editing of film and sound cost during production? ??? Best answer: Answer by Zach The RifferProfessional? It would probably cost a company $ 20,000 or more.... maybe not, wild guess. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! … [Read more...]
Karl Von Moller Canon Body Production “The World in Motion”
Karl Von Moller graduated from the Swinburne "Film and TV School" now the VCA part of Melbourne University. Karl has worked as a Director and Cinematographer in advertising, shooting hundreds of commercials for the likes of The Australian Defense Force, Canon, Hewlard Packard, and many other International Clients. Also shooting and Directing many Music Video's Karl has been involved in Cinematography for long format projects, filming additional … [Read more...]
Why are my burned “Documentaries” skipping during dark and quick sequences of the movie?
Question by dudetoast: Why are my burned "Documentaries" skipping during dark and quick sequences of the movie? I have used sony and verbatim dvd-r discs. These seem to get the best reviews. I'm burning at 8X with a brand new pioneer dvd burner. I am encoding with DVD Flick. Any Help/suggestions? THANKS! Best answer: Answer by MaurícioIt could be a buffer overflow from memory. Give your answer to this question below! … [Read more...]
AVP:Redemption part-2
AVP:Redemption fan film made by me Alex A. Popov for the purpose of entertaining the fans of both , Alien and Predator franchises, and also to share my vision of what Alien VS Predator film should be. The total budget for this film was about 0 and over 2 years of my free time :) It took so long cause it was a ONE MAN project. I did all filming, directing, Editing, VFX compositing, sound design, You name it. So hopefully you enjoyed it. Video … [Read more...]
what’s the best pc for film editing. tech people only!!!! no amateurs please!!!!?
Question by omgnoway: what's the best pc for film editing. tech people only!!!! no amateurs please!!!!? what's the best system for building an editing pc please include both pc or mac options also include: harddrive, ram, editing software, storage/memory, etc. ONLY TECHS PLEASE! ONLY FILMMAKERS/EDITOR, ETC. Best answer: Answer by I … [Read more...]
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