leading up to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, callers and guests on Radio Unnameable debated the wisdom of marching directly into the path of Mayor Daley troops. Fass cautioned listeners o know what they were getting into should they choose to go. They don mess around in Chicago. Vin Scelsa, later a major NYC radio broadcaster in his own right, then a WBAI listener, told Jay Sand, e all should have been indicted as co-conspirators, not just the Chicago Seven. We were all in on it. That whole thing was planned on Bob show.
Fass rarely left his command center in WBAI Master Control but at the very last minute, he flew to Chicago and recorded everything he saw and heardand not just from The Yippies point of view. After reporting a noise that sounded like an M1 cracking against someone head, Fass noticed that some of the national guardsmen ook very frightened.