of the nation or just create a mood. When everything came together in a moment of perfect timing, the effect was mesmerizing.
Watching the production of these mixes behind the scenes was sometimes just as entertaining as listening to them on the air. Fass would get a brainstorm only seconds before a cut would run out and fly into the record library in search of the perfect segue. e existed on a slightly different plain than the rest of us, Steve Post recalled in his memoir of life at WBAI, Playing in the FM Band. e was more spontaneous. We all copied him, but he was the best.
Fass always pressed to expand the boundaries of radio communication. In the mid 70, he asked the station Chief Engineer and resident technical guru, Mike Edl, if there was any way to rig up a contraption that would allow him to put as many as ten phone calls on the air at the same time. The