This short film, created using almost 15000 digital still photos and no video footage, was screened with dozens of other “Happy New Year” shorts in Bordeaux, France on December 31st, 2008, as an introduction to the city’s New Year’s Eve countdown. The event was part the “Who Do You Are?” Arts Festival overseen by Jared Gradinger and his Berlin-based Arts company. It was produced by Zachary Quinto, Corey Moosa, and Neal Dodson through their company, Before The Door Pictures. Dave Schwep is an innovative filmmaker and photographer who developed the Stillmotion photographic technique seen in “Bordeaux”. You can see more of Dave’s inspiring work at Special Thanks to the cast (Greg Grunberg, Jack Coleman, Adrian Pasdar, Zeljko Ivanek, and Masi Oka), crew, and producers of “HEROES” for their generous contributions to “Bordeaux.”
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