Question by BronxBoi: Buenos Aires Film Industry Job?
Hey, I’m a young filmmaker living in New York City. I’ve worked on a lot of Independent Films over here, and have a film education. I was thinking about moving to Buenos Aires (like next summer) for a year or 2. I want to get involved in feature films down there, but the problem is, I don’t know much about how the film industry works down there. I have seen a lot of Argentinean films, an I am a fan. So what I’m asking is how would I go about finding a job in films or even TV down there? If anyone has any contacts or links that would be great.
..and I’ve been speaking Spanish since I was 3, and have been to Buenos Aires before, and love it.
Best answer:
Answer by SniperCharlie
Ok,since you speak spanish,I’m gona answer in español.
Vas a tener mas suerte si publicas tu pregunta aqui,en Yahoo Argentina.
Proba entrar aca : ,que puede tener informacion valiosa.
La verdad a mi no me gusta mucho nuestro cine(soy de Argentina),pero si me encantan las peliculas Norteamericanas.Espero que tengas suerte.
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