The whole point of writing a contract is to offer protection between you and the person that you are making the contract with. It is thus very important that the contract is written well and in effect water tight so you will be fully protected should anything go wrong.
As for small businesses, you may not have the time or money to be able to get a solicitor to draw up a contract for you every time you need one. This article will offer some tips and advice on how to write up a good legal contract.
You should always volunteer to make the first draft of a contract. It will be more cost effective and you will be able to draw up terms which a more preferential to you.
You don’t have to make your contract unnecessarily complex. Use terms that you and the person you are making the contract with understand. Your contract will be more enforceable if it is clear what you are trying to say. If your contract is not clear, then it may be used against you if anything were to go wrong.
You need to ensure that you use all the correct business names when drawing up your contract. This means that if you were doing business with another company, you would use the businesses name in the contract as opposed to the individual that you have been dealing with to arrange the deal.
The most important thing when writing a contract is to make it as detailed as you possibly can as to leave no margin for interpretation. You should not leave anything up to assumptions but instead make sure that you have got down in writing what you expect to happen. You should include all the rights and obligations of the parties involved and write down anything that has been agreed on verbally in order to make it official.
If you need to make any changes to the contract you will need to make a separate amendment to attach to the contract, you cannot rewrite the contract from scratch. You will need to make sure that any amendments are initialed by all the parties involved in the deal. You should also make sure that you include all the details surrounding payment and make sure that you use explicit amounts, you must be very clear. You should also include what the method of payment will be, the date of the expected payment and what will happen if the payment is late. You will also need to include clauses in which the contract may be ended. It is also important to include a section on how disputes will be dealt with if they arise.
If the person or company that you are doing business with is based in another country, you will need to decide which countries laws will govern what is written in the contract. This will be the place in which legal action will take place in the event of any problems.
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This is a “Law Lessong” – a law lesson in a song – that I wrote to help students consider the application of the Mirror Image Rule to contract acceptances. This song deals with the issues of acceptance of contract offers. At Common Law, the Mirror Image Rule required that the acceptance language mirror that of the offer. Any different or additional language may convert the attempted acceptance into a counteroffer – terminating the ability to accept the original offer. The modern trend is for courts to soften the MIR by looking at the substance and meaning of additional language – finding counteroffers where the attempted acceptance manifests an intent to contract only under the new or different terms. Audio files for more law lessongs can be found here: More “Law Lessong” videos will be posted at the Legal Studies Classroom blog: The melody is based on “Secret Agent Man” written by Steve Barri and PF Sloan and originally recorded by Johnny Rivers and which served as the theme song to the TV show, “Secret Agent Man” from 1964-66 No copyright infringement is intended. This song is offered and intended for educational use only and has no commercial value. Mirror Image Rule Lyrics by M. DeAngelis Tune: Secret Agent Man There’s a rule of contract law that’s danger, For businessfolks to whom contract law’s a stranger. With each offer in the trade, How is acceptance made? You don’t want to risk a counteroffer …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Question by Spread The Love: Is marraige in Islam about legal contracts or love?
I’m a twenty year old Muslim and the idea of marraige really doesn’t appeal to me at the moment.
from what I’ve learned, I’ve gotten the impression that marraige in Islam is more about legal contracts than love. I’ve asked about how you could marry someone that you don’t even love and a sister told me “love will come later”…but that’s an assumption.
anyways, is marraige in Islam more-so based on legal contracts/binding?
Best answer:
Answer by greengo
In Ephesians 5:25, husbands are commanded to love their wives and be willing to give up their life for her. Muslims also believe the Injil, which is the New Testament teachings about Jesus, so I would assume that Muslims are commanded to love their wife and be willing to die for her. If they are not, then it is kind of wrong to say they believe the teachings about Jesus. Of course, the story where Jesus stopped people from killing a woman who was going to be stoned for adultery is not followed in a lot of Muslim countries.
Granted, lots of husbands don’t obey their beliefs, but that isn’t God’s fault, lol.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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On October 18th, 2011 CodeX – The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics sponsored the event, “Computable Contracts” at Stanford Law School. A contract is a promise, voluntarily undertaken, that is enforceable under the law. A computable contract is a contractual obligation that has been formulated such that a computer system can both interpret and determine whether the obligation has been complied with. This Article explores the theory and concept of computable contracts and their increasing impact on the law. Such computable contractual obligations offer advantages over traditional written obligations, including efficiency of compliance assessment, and detection of contradictory legal obligations. For more info visit:
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