primary color. Until 2002, consumer camcorders typically only had one. The colors on professional three-CCD camcorders are much brighter, vivid, lifelike, and accurate than the colors of one-CCD camcorders. A three-CCD camcorder almost always beats out a one-CCD camcorder, and the difference in quality both in normal and low-light shooting is noticeable. The best part is that three-CCD camcorders are beginning to make their way into the consumer market. Whereas three-CCD technology previously could not be found for under ,000, there are now three-CCD camcorders available for below ,000, and prices are dropping every day.
Another thing to consider is the number of pixels on the CCD. The more pixels the CCD has, the sharper the image; however, this is slightly deceptive. A standard video frame has only around 340,000 pixels in it. Increased pixels have very little