Question by Jampaa6: Can anyone tell me the title of this movie about dreams?
My friend got me interested in a movie about dreams but he couldn’t come up with a title.
Here are some hints:
-It’s an independent film, most parts are cartoon-like or animated or something like that.
-The movie is not about dreaming in general, it only describes the dreams of the filmmaker.
-The filmmaker has composed to music for the film himself. If I got it right, the movie consists of animated sequences and music.
I can’t tell you much about the film since I haven’t seen it. And my friend was drunk when he watched it so he isn’t very helpful either. He told me it could possibly be found in Youtube.
Here are some films I am NOT looking for:
Enter The Void
Waking Life
A Scanner Darkly
Paprika (oh, btw it isn’t anime)
Yellow Submarine
Thanks for your help!
-There isn’t much dialog in the film.
I don’t think it is Kurosawa’s “Dreams” as Zarn suggested.
Best answer:
Answer by Zarn
Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Dreams’, 1990?
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