Question by w10542968: Can one with a family make it on one income in the film industry?
I am thinking about getting into the film industry as either a camera operator or an editor, then later down the road be a director. I plan on attending San Francisco School of Digital Film. My question I guess it that I have a family with two young kids under 3. I wanted to know from those who have been in the industry if it is possible to live on one income and support my family? My wife wants to stay home with the kids until they are in school.
Maybe I didn’t state this the right way. I can attend the school and still keep my current job and I leave near san fran. The question is after school is over.
Best answer:
Answer by justagrandma
You stand a better chance of making it on one income, if the income is hers. And shes a professional.
You already have the kids, if she stays home, and you go to school, who is going to be working?
If you will be getting a part time job, you won’t make more than an optimistic ten dollars an hour. That’s $ 400 a week, less taxes.
Families can’t make it on that anywhere anymore.
I don’t have to be in the film business to know that, all I have to know is that the cost of living in San Francisco is among the highest in the nation.
Having two kids limits your options, both of you will need to work full time to keep your heads above water, staying home is a luxury few can afford.
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