Question by rodkaragui: Can someone help a Junior in high school get into film making/directing?
1.What kind of equipment,software, etc do I need right now and later if I get into it? prices if possible.
2.What are some great books that can teach the trait?
3.What are some great books on the history of film?
4.any good advice?
5.what kind of person do i need to be?
6.Anything else I need?
7.I cant draw or built things. Ime a decent writer(got b in English honor class), and i am creative. Is this ok.
8. Is it to late to start?
9.Will taking stage crew help me in highschool? What classes should I take?
10.Any particular films I should watch?
Ime looking at this as a serious hobby were i will dedicate alot of time to it, and if I truely love it i might want to make a job out of it.
Best answer:
Answer by ICAL
It’s never too late to start. You need a camera and that’s it (to begin with at least). Don’t bother with anything else at this stage. Get yourself a simple camera and start making films with your friends. Anything, it doesn’t matter. You can edit them with even free software like Windows Movie Maker and then upload them to YouTube.
After a while you’ll find out that you could do with a camera with new features and then richer software to help edit. It’s then that you move up to the next level.
But for now, don’t worry too much about making films and what you need, just go out and do it!
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