Question by Mellochk08: Career as a film producer?
I’m 18, and I’ll be starting college next year. I want to be a film producer, so I’m probably going to double major in Media & Arts Design and Buisness (I’m from VA, so film school will have to wait for now. yay in-state tuition!!).
I was wondering, does anyone know of a good internship program I can do over the summer somewhere before I start college? I’ve looked around, but can’t seem to find one that’s not for someone already in college. I know this is what I want to do, and I’d like to get some to get some sort of hands-on experience in the industry.
I’ve been sort of obsessed lately, and I’ve done tons of research…right now, I’m reading a book called ‘Making Movies’ by Sidney Lumet (which is fantastic!!). All of these sources are great for now, but again, it would be nice to get some hands-on experience. Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks guys!
Oh, also, if you know of any good books or magazines I can read, that would be great as well. Thanks!
Oh and I know I won’t start at the top, I was thinking of getting a job at a production company and working my way up. Sorry for not being clear on that 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by ck
Double major in Business and Broadcast Media or Cinema. Find an independent filmmaker and volunteer or call your local TV stations and ask.
Good luck
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