Question by LuckyCharm4U09: Career suggestions and advice?
I am going to be a senior next year, but i still have not made up my mind on what i want to do.
I have a 4.2 gpa, i have taken 6 ap classes and participate in a few clubs and volunteer on weekends. I would love a job that requires traveling, i speak 6 languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, and German) i recently heard about photojournalism and i am interested in that but im not sure where or who i would able to get a job from after college. I am also interested in the film industry, video editing and the behind the scenes creative process. I am also really good at math and love architecture/business. Any suggestions or advice?
Best answer:
Answer by #7
Aim for occupations and/or employers that would utilize several of your skills rather than just one. Here are a few interesting possibilities you might investigate. And remember this: your first choice represents only a starting point; you will have many future opportunities to choose between remaining on or diverging from your original career path.
Travel writer
Documentary film maker
International business/finance
State Department
United Nations
National Geographic
Smithsonian Institution
Sotheby’s Auction House
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