Get out of a cell phone contract by paying the cancellation fee of the amount left on the contract or by proving that there is no coverage in your area. Provide the cell phone service provided with a bill statement, change of address or photo ID to prove a lack of cell phone coverage with advice from themanager of a cell phone store in this free video on cell phones. Expert: Geordie Andulakis Bio: Geordie Andurlakis is the store manager at an AT&T Spring cell phone store. Filmmaker: Clay Roberts
Video Rating: 1 / 5
Performance contracts are a great way to ensure your pay for a gig. Learn tips on how to write one and what to include on it from aprofessional performing and touring musician in this free video. Expert: Peter Nevland Bio: Peter Nevland has spent five years performing his mixture of writing and rock ‘n’ roll, which he calls “Spoken Groove,” during his travels to every continent except South America and Antarctica. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA
Video Rating: 5 / 5