Question by Matt<<: Christianity. Should it end?
it is to the more intelligent population of the world or to Christians; Pagans, Satanists, Witches, Atheists, whatever.. abundantly clear that The Bible was written very carefully and convincingly direct to human conscience and insecurities. The Bible was written to insert fear into those who feel astray. The Bible promises a holy life to the believers.. it is to the more intelligent population of the world.. abundantly clear that The Bible is nothing more than the biggest ideology handbook ever created.
When Stephen Hawking revealed and published some staggering information about the universe in the 1990s or whenever, The Pope himself congratulated Stephen Hawking but told him to stop his research proving The Pope himself is clearly insecure.
Every Christian, I have found, when given clear evidence / documentaries about the world instantly shy away from this information, immediately. Every Christian do their day to day task under the eyes of the lord. S/He lives in fear 24 / 7. S/He is scared of new information as every unexplained phenomenon on earth is, as The Bible states, cunningly inserted by Satan to confuse and mislead. That is The Bibles answer to everything.
The Bibles answer to everything has no room for mis-interpretation. You either believe that as the truth, or you don’t. It is a “static” truth for a “static” world. When really our world / universe is changing every second. That is the reality and that is what The Bible will never cater for. Of course, this makes it so much harder to be a non-believer once you already believe, once “The Truth” is already in your heart through The Bible.. Then science theories will always remain as just that, theories with no merit, no amount of proof will matter because that proof, in any case, was implemented by Satan.
This is only half of the reason Christianity is so strong today.
The other half, in my opinion, is because of the jolly Church. How fun is Church? I go sometimes, as a spy you could say. It is fun. Until of course you admit that you don’t believe in The Bible and think Christianity is a mistake. No longer fun. The church puts Christianity on a very casual pedestal. It makes the movement all the more easy-going, as if “the truth” is so casual that it MUST be the clear order of things.
Of course, once the truth is the truth.. Why turn back? It is illogical on a basic-natural level to do that. Especially when one is so convinced, promised, and scared to even consider otherwise. If you even try to convert a Christian diplomatically and methodically, with logic and systematic reason.. You will most likely draw the short end of the straw. When something so intelligently-created as The Bible has been engraved into you at a young age.. You’d rather die than believe otherwise.
What also keeps Christianity / The Bible so strong is due to it’s age. When really.. Should that not do the opposite? It is very hypocritical to engage in ancient beliefs whilst doing what you must to conform to modern society. Christianity has slowly adapted to modern society.. They can’t kill non-believers any more, I dare say they might if given the bill, but no matter what if you are Christian, you are a complete hypocrite.
What is also interesting is how the same information which brings Christians relationship with God so much stranger is the same information which just leads me to believe that Christians are just on one hell of a never-ending roller coaster.
My flatmate is Christian, we don’t discuss these matters together. But he told me he broke up with his girlfriend because she wanted to move in with him, before marriage. I quote him “it’s not right for a man and women to live together” then he mentioned marriage. She did not want marriage. He broke 2 hearts that day because of what he believes. He put his own real love for another human being AFTER the love for Jehovah, Jesus and The Bible.
What does this mean?
This means God will always get priority over natural urges and the natural world, because the natural world is the order of Satan.
At this point i would like to swear my head off about how ridiculous Christianity is. When he told me about that, I simply said “I’ll keep my opinions to myself” and he said “fair enough, ah i know, ive heard them all”.
I can guarantee he hadn’t heard all of what I had in mind.
But there you see proof that Christians are so narrow minded. Unless its acceptance, its blasphemy.
Because they will always put their love for God before People, this is how they can, in the past and today, justify torture and murder. If you have read The Bible then you would know how strongly it feels against some cases of non-believers and even promotes their demise.
Kludge: I am a musician graphic designer and web developer, and im not just saying that :p dont think for a second presume i dedicate any amount of time to my spite for the Christian movement because of this rant which only took me 10 minutes to write.. BTW all that think im a Christian hater, wrong. i love my flatmate. but i hate ideologies.
ozarkcabin: What do you stand up for in life? haha you think cause i just had a spat on xianity that i dont stand up for anything? if u met me in person, ur energy levels would rise. i live by this quote “The world is my country and to do good is my religion”. I stand up for being a good person because it comes from your heart, not God.
TkA: well that was a bit contradicting.. who are u to say their relationship wouldnt have ended if faith had not got in the way? faith is a man-made barrier to the natural order of things.
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin
nice sermon bro
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