Question by Zeno: College: Now or later?
I want to go to college when I finish this last year of high school but I don’t like the idea of taking out a loan. I’m going to take a film production course and I know I’m not gonna have enough time for working and making movies at the same time. And I know that you have to be working as soon as your done school or even while your in it. I’m working now so I thought I would just wait a year till I can pay some of the money. Problem is im only making 7.75 an hour. In one year the most i will make is $ 4000. But i figured out that the total cost of tuition, living, and food will cost up to $ 19000 😮 . Im so confused right now and don’t know if I should apply this year or not! Thanks!!
Best answer:
Answer by Nuckolls
As a senior graduating from college this year, i gotta tell you, it is completely up to you. There is no way that you will be able to save up enough money in a year to attend, if thats what you’re wanting to do.
If you wait to save up enough before you go, who knows how long you’ll be putting off your life.. and life’s short! Very short. If you go now and take loans you’ll have to deal with them when you’re done.
When considering taking a loan, consider graduating college. When you get done with the classes, or get a degree, or whatever it is that you’re going for.. how will it effect your pay? I took out a few loans through the course of school, because with my degree, i’ll start at a job making 80k or so, so paying off those loans won’t be an incredible inconvenience to me. But if you’re going to finish and not be able to immediately start a job like that.. you’ll be trying to pay back 175 bucks a month on that 7.75 and hour.. which sucks pretty bad.
I had a job throughout school, it didnt affect my ability to finish any homework or do any extracurric activities.. just took a loan out to pay for school, and then just worked enough to have money for rent/gas/food/ etc. Consider being a waiter.. you make the most money on Friday/Saturday nights.. so then you can have all week to do film projects.. and work on the weekend and still make a couple bills.
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