Question by ~*Miranda*~: Comercials for Christ Ideas-(easy points!)?
Well, I’m in this Film-making class for school, and our assignment this week was to come up with a “Comercial For Christ”….I have an idea, but would like some…Critisizm? Please be nice, and tell me what you think-:
Okay, my Idea is Praise (instead of lays..get it?) and the “Betcha can’t say just one”. I know it’s corny, but that’s kinda the point. alos, if you have an idea that you wouldn’t mind being used, then feel free to post that also! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by scott s
I think it’s a fantastic idea. Are you to come up with your own idea or are you required to take an existing commercial and use that?
If you have to use existing commercials you could use gatorade and instead of saying is it in you you could say is he in you referring to the Holy Spirit. Another option would be to take an info-mercial like the old school Ginsu knives and say Christ (instead of the knives) has a lifetime guarantee to never leave you or forsake you. You could show someone sinning and repenting. Would be a little difficult to convey in writing but could be good.
You are on the right track I hope it turns out well!
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