I-pods, MP3 and MP4 players. Incidentally, the best sources for their audio and video needs can be found on the internet. So, imagine all the audio/video data streaming, downloading and uploading around in the internet, and you will have a good idea of just how measly a 10 second video is in terms of today’s technology.
As I said, the use of audio/video streaming on the internet is a powerful marketing tool. However, the technology for it has matured enough in that audio and video files use more space from storage devices such as hard drives and I-pods. Already, hard drives of computers have transcended the megabyte barrier and are now storing gigabytes of data (one gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes).
Terry Detty, 42, enjoys all aspects of internet marketing and getting out for a breath of fresh air occasionally.
Email advertising; a successful website promotion and internet advertising method.
Article from articlesbase.com
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