This is my second year ‘off the cuff’ film made through Christ Church University, based on communication and its different forms, excuse the colour bars etc at the beggining, let me know what you think.
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Cuba: Winds of Change By Michelle Laque Johnson If you can watch only one television program this week, make it “Cuba: Winds of Change,” an extraordinary documentary filmed undercover in Cuba as well as in the United States, and airing exclusively on EWTN. (This EWTN Original Production airs at 10 pm ET, Oct. 13 and 5 am ET, Oct. 16.) Filmmaker Jordan Allott, whose mother is American and whose father is British, made the high-risk move of entering Cuba through Mexico with his British passport, claiming to be a tourist. Knowing that Cuba has imprisoned more journalists than any country in the world, why would this filmmaker take such a risk? Allott was inspired by a Cuban priest he had met in Mexico many years before. He had hiked the countryside with this priest and heard his stories. Later, he watched that priest choke back tears as he told the Mexican people during a Mass at Guadalupe that he would be returning to a country where living one’s faith was exceptionally hard. He pleaded with Mexican Catholics, whose history includes similar struggles, to live their faith “with all its possibilities.” In this documentary, you will see that priest’s plea and watch as his country’s firing squads execute Catholics, many of whom imitated the great Mexican martyr, Father Miguel Pro, who spread his arms just before being shot and famously shouted, “Viva Cristo Rey!” (“Long live Christ the King!”) Allott wanted to know what Cuba was like 10 years after the late Pope John Paul II’s …
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