Question by apple: Communications major w/ minor in anthropology OR an anthro major w/ a minor in communications?
I am debating between being a Communications major and a minor in Anthropology or being an Anthropology major and a Communications minor.
You need 11 classes to do a Comm major, 6 for a minor
You need 9 classes for Anthro major, 6 for a minor
I have to do 7 more comm classes to complete the Comm MAJOR, or 5 for comm minor
I have to do 9 more Anthro, and 6 for anthro minor
I like to study people and culture so that is its appeal. i love to travel and learn about new cultures. its so interesting. interested in cultural anthro…esp visual anthropology
But I also like the media and how it effects us but also production side behind film and TV so maybe want a job working behind the scenes at a show
otherwise I will go to grad school after undergrad to get an MFA in photo and become a professor cause I love it (and I already completed this major except for one more class) so anthro can help w documentary photo…also builds us writing and comprehension/critical thinking skills as i am also evaluating photojournalism as a side thing
so yeah comm major and anthro minor or the other way around….which is a more realistic/beneficial major in general and looks better?
Best answer:
Answer by just me DGD
unless you have $ to fund your own dig or want to teach,,,( teach anything) anthropology at the college level; I would major in communications.
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