Question by Skyler B: Confusing editing question!?
I am trying to make a short for my class, but i need only sky to be completely reddish-orange, and the ground to darken slightly. There are no clouds in the sky when i filmed this. (if thats helpful in anyway)
Since there was no blue anywhere but the sky, i was figuring i could use the chroma key and change it to dark orange. Would that work? Any better suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Bill H
What are you using to Edit? If your using Final Cut Express or Pro then Yes Chroma Key will work.
But it might be easier to just simply make a shape (A Square) and stretch it to fill the screen. Make the color of it your Orange then change the Opacity of it so that it’ll be mostly transparent. That’ll be an even effect and it’s really simple and looks cool. If you need more help, drop me a line.
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