Question by B. D: Could i possibly find my associate to enter international film industry?
A little introduction : I’m asian who doesn’t come from english-speaking world (despite i speak english a little) and this year i’m about to start off studying film overseas, then i had planned to continue looking for a job there (or probably become an expatriat)
But,here’s about me : I’m a life-long movie enthusiat. Become a filmmaker and own a movie company had been my long-time dream. but,then i realized i would be unable to achieve that all by myself. I should find my “sidekick” (such as tarantino-rodriguez or the brothers,coens ; wachowski;etc) I have to find not just “movie-buddy” but also a person who would engage in strategic and beneficial long- term partnership plus making mutual-profit with me.
Anyway,my primary goal is to break into cinema industry and being a succesfull person in movie-making bussiness as well.Well,i hope i could be one of the most prolific and recognized film director who earns a lot..haha
Best answer:
Answer by GrowingupGreen
Sorry I can’t be of more help…. But I just wanted to say that I think you speak English fabulously 🙂 and that I’m also an aspiring film director.
Good luck to us both? 😀
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