Soviet agents in an attempt to recover a pre-Columbian skull from the Peruvian jungle. Starring alongside Ford as his sidekick is Shia LaBoeuf and Cate Blanchett as a Russian agent.
Praise for the film included phrases like “well-made” and “like a ride on your favorite merry go round.” The film’s action sequences were praised at the festival premier for being exciting, and the film was said by some to be a sure-fire hit. But all was not rosy in the land of reviews.
One reviewer, Conchita Casanovas of Spain’s RNE radio claimed to have been “bored to death,” saying that the film’s midsection dragged quite a bit. The now long in the tooth Harrison Ford garnered some less than flattering comments as well, by some who thought he was too old to be playing the adventuring archeaologist. In one particularly poignant observation, London’s Daily